Posted in fitness

Happy New Year – 2015!!

new year 2015 written in sand

New, Nuevo, novel, revolutionary, young, virgin, unused…..all synonyms…all adjectives to describe this NEW year.  We’ve heard every sentiment regarding the start of a new year — it’s a 365 page novel and the first page is blank, write a good one, or No one can go back and have a new start, but you can start today to have a different ending, and the list of motivational montages goes on. But my favorite is probably — What is the point of all this if it doesn’t CHANGE you.

2014 is history — a closed chapter but whatever happened in your 2014 isn’t forgotten and shouldn’t be. Whether good or bad – use it to power your 2015. Learn from the lessons and make changes for a better 2015 — take the amazing moments and capitalize on them to make even better moments in 2015.

Resolutions are good — goals are better. Make the goals, write them down, share them with an accountability partner and start working. Discouragement will come – set backs will come. They are inevitable in this life because nothing is certain. However, when they come, you can still choose your reaction and your response.

At Live Fit, our team is excited to share this year with you. We have four personal trainers and three certified Pilates instructors standing at the ready to help you meet your goals this year. We would love to stand by you as you make this your best year yet!

new year 2015 2Live Fit Now

100 East Main Street Suite R-1A

